Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life in Kashmir

We all have read some about the mess that has been going on in Kashmir for years. There is no question it is a very sticky situation where multiple groups have very personal interested at stake. What I have never understood though is how life goes on in Kashmir with the constant fighting. Well this article basically says life isn't going on in Kashmir. With days long curfews enforced with sometimes lethal tactics life has ground to a halt. The article talks about how tourism has been decimated in a place known for its beauty. Not to mention that every day events like going to the market to get food has become a scary proposition. What really stands out though is the story about a wedding that has basically been ruined. "Normally Kashmiri weddings are night-long affairs with hundreds of guests. But no celebrations had been organised for Ahmed and his new wife." Sounds like a wedding I would have loved to attend. Sounds like a celebration that this couple deserves. Ruined by a social situation that would be seen as unacceptable in the "Western World."

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