This article tells the story of ongoing war from the 19th century between India and Pakistan. The region of Kashmir is divided in three countries, India with one half, Pakistan with one third and China with a small portion of the northeastern. In the mid 19th century Pakistan gave to China the small portion of Aksai Chin and the Trans-Karakoram Tract. The dispute of the territories has continued over time between India and Pakistan. This has brought a lot of tension in the region. In 1989 Kashmiri separatists took up arms but the violence had stop in the recent years until last summer.
The violence has increased since last June claiming more than 100 lives. The anti-India demonstrations has affect the peace in the region. The government has imposed strict curfews and has implemented extra forces to keep the calm in the streets and silence the people from demonstrating for independence from India. This political move from the government of India has been questioned for the increased violence and the violation of human rights. In Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir, the crowds come to the funeral of a youth killed. They chanted “freedom”.
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