Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is Indian Education Going to Change?

The first sentence of this article is so interesting that I am going to copy and paste it exactly. "India’s answer to the West’s Ivy League may be what the government plans to call the Navratna Universities." I found it very interesting that this is seen as so important. Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of having top-flight educational institutions, but in a country where most people don't have access to modern day pluming, it seems ironic. That being said, I like the emphasis on education that is going on throughout India. I think it shows great promise for the future, both in the near term and long term.

It leaves me to wonder though, when Harvard was founded it was THE University. It was widely regarded as the place that was best suited to train the very best and brightest. Why? Because there were very few other choices. In India today though, there are many colleges and universities and I assume this new distinction will be highly sought after. I wonder if it will entice teachers outside of India to head to India. (DON'T LEAVE US RON!!) And I wonder, how will these colleges address language barriers. It will be very interesting to see the "Indian Ivy League" grow and compete on the world's stage.

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