Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kashmir and the Indian Government

            It is obvious the relationship between the Indian government and Kashmiris has intensified recently.  This summer there have been more protests which were met by increased force by the Indian government.  The Kashmir valley is a predominately Muslim area with limited natural resources.  Their primary resources are apples and saffron.  However, most Kashmiris have stated they wish to separate from India.  This threat has been met by stricter rules from the Indian government such as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, a 20 year old act that allows military and government to search houses and shoot anyone suspected of having ties with the Separatists movement. 
            There has been outcry from international communities speaking out against the human rights violations in Kashmir such as the extreme food rationing, limiting of mobility, limited access to technology and warrantless monitoring.  Much of this outcry has been led by Pakistan.  Pakistan and India almost went to war in 1965 over Kashmir.  Pakistan separated from India due to conflict.
            India has every sovereign right to protect their state not only from outside threats but internal threats as well.  Kashmir has resorted to violence in the past and even recently.  Therefore India has a right to clamp down on domestic threats in order to create a safe state.  However, the question remains how much is too much.
In undergrad I researched a little about the India-Pakistan Conflict and am eager to research it some more.  My background comes from researching the theories of state creation particularly with Arab states.  It would be interesting to learn more about the conflicts within not only the political lines but the socio lines as well. 
Some of the sites I was referring to are below:

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