The purpose of this blog is to discuss political, economic and social issues and institutions in India prior to visiting it. The idea is to get a basic understanding of Indian institutions. This will help us better understand the specific programs we study in Kerala and Maharashtra when we talk to policy-makers, analysts, professionals (managers and administrators), and beneficiaries.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
India vs. China
India however has the potential to become a powerhouse in the realm of international economy. When comparing India to China both have a large population. However, India's work force is continuous. They have a young population ready to fill the work demand of the older population as they age. China however, does not have this ability due to the one child law implemented by the Chinese government. India also has a growing GDP that is showing promise in the International economy.
India does lack a strong central government however this does play to positives for the International economy. India is able to make decisions on what their government feels is essential without having to bend to the whim of interest groups and lobbyists. India's private sector has grown immensely however due it the infrastructure instability international investors would still most likely invest in China before India.
If India wishes to become a leading power in the International economy they must create an infrastructure capable of meeting the demand and create policies that protect investors in order to attract investors.
Taboo in India Culture
In several studies I found the statistics showed that close to 50-70% of commercial sex workers in Mumbai were HIV positive while only 5-10% of the brothels provide condoms. Another article referred to how only slightly more than 50% of men knew how and why to use a condom and of those 50% approximately 20% actually used condoms while performing sexual acts with non-regular sexual partners. (India Environmental Portal)
There is a strict taboo of sex in India. First, there are strong religious ties within India regardless of what religion tradition is being followed. These different religions have strong values in sex outside of the marriage. Therefore there is limited sexual education classes. Due to the belief of there is no threat of disease if both parties are being faithful to their marriage and their partner and not seeking sexual acts outside or prior to marriage.
Second, there is a strong animosity to those who are in prostitution. Therefore if a commercial sex worker contracts HIV in their course of business there is little sympathy for them from the society. This is seen both with those who enter prostitution both voluntarily and involuntarily.
India has one of the largest HIV populations and needs to implement policies aiding this part of their society in order to prevent alienation. But in order for these policies to be created and implemented India must also deal with the taboo within Indian society regarding STDs and sex.
"India Environmental Portal"
Friday, October 1, 2010
Microfinance: To Profit or Not to Profit?
Started in 1998 as a non-profit organization, SKS Microfinance closed 10.5 points up on its first day of trading stock to the public on September 27th. The first microfinance institution to sell stock in India, SKS has grown remarkably since transitioning to a for-profit company in 2003. The company is currently lending over $3 billion to over 7 million rural Indian women, and is only one of five microfinance institutions globally that offers publicly listed shares. In a chronically underbanked country (approximately only 40% of the population has a bank account), the concept of microlending has spread quickly. This recent success for a microfinance company could prompt scores of others to go public soon.
The debate arises: is it ethical for banking institutions catering to the poor to make large-scale (if any) profits by lending to them at high interest rates? SKS originated as a non-profit organization--by going public it has certainly garnered attention, but analysts fear that increased competition between microfinance companies could lead to higher default rates. Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank, has said that in a social business such as microfinance, if the company makes a profit, the owner should not take a profit. The bottom line then becomes the number of people helped, not dividends made. In contrast to SKS, Grameen is owned primarily by its borrowers- 90% of shares are owned by the poor they serve, and 10% by the government of Bangladesh.
A Bumpier But Freer Road
NGO's Speak Up about Labor Law Violations..Indias GEA claims NO
Pregnancy Practices in India
The intent of the article is to help Western neo-natal nurses better understand their Indian client's perspective on birth. However, the generality of the Indian cultural practices surrounding Indian pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care are quite useful when implementing and/or improving policy on child nutrition. Motherhood in India is considered a "socially powerful role," where most, if not all, women are expected to marry and have children. During the entire childbearing period women are highly dependent on a community composed of elders, family members and midwives and are not likely to seek professional healthcare. Further, there are still many cultural superstitions such as basing a healthy pregnancy on foods categorized as hot and cold and the ritual of burying of placenta post-birth. Further, the lower socio-economic classes often practice a belief called "eating down" where the pregnant woman does not eat a sufficient amount of food during pregnancy for fear of a difficult pregnancy. Children of high-birth-weights are presumed to result in more difficult deliveries; therefore, demand more expensive medical attention which a family cannot afford. Unfortunately, children of low-birth-weights have a higher infant mortality rate. Delaying breastfeeding (24 hours to 1 week) is also common practice. Many supplement breastfeeding with sugar/honey water-based liquids. These supplements also contribute to the risks of a low-birth-weight.
As pregnancy practices may appear social, it also influences India’s economy. Much of India’s fiscal budget is focused on improving healthcare. This money is often highly emphasized in rural regions, where healthcare facilities still lack adequate resources and are not made readily accessible to the population. The result of little modern healthcare and minute health education for pregnant women is congruent to lower child nutrition and higher infant-mortality-rates. For India to be putting so much money into solving its issue of healthcare, one would hope that you could see better results. Unfortunately most India regions still face high infant mortality rates with over 50% of India’s children still considered malnourished. A sign that there is still a lot more work to be done.
Bringing Light to India's Rural Areas
This article explains a new endeavor in the rural villages of India to provide solar power electricity. This effort has been pushed by a company called Selco, which has been installing the solar powered lights since 2003. The article touches upon the banks, government, and other organizations which have been capable of providing the funding to install and operate this new venture. Many of the villages who are recieving the funding are ones that have never had acces to energy previously. Beyond the financial costs of the implementation, the article touches upon the opprotunities that the many farmers in these villages have to utilize this new, sustainable form.
As India is one of the fastest growing populations in the world as well as one of the leading consumers of coal, this new shift in efforts by both entrpenuers and the government proves their progression. With so many of its population living in these rural villages, the ability to provide sustainable means of energy proves that they are working towards a greater goal. Can China and other developing countries provide this same opprotunity to its citizens. This article raises questions on how developing countries, with addictions to coal, are striving to implement sustainable forms of energy for its people. Even if it starts with those that dont have the means to afford it.
Yoga Wars India Blocks Patents on Poses.
Mercedes-Benz expanding in India
Mercedes-Benz expanding into India
Daimler Financial Services (DFS), the financial arm of Mercedes-Benz will be moving into India pending some approvals from authorities. They will be focusing on finance and leasing, dealer financing and insurance to private customers, dealers and groups. DFS has already been active within the used car market but will be moving into financing and backing of new vehicle to expand their luxury car brand in India.
I think that this is an important article because it shows how India’s economic system has been growing through a commercial product like luxury cars. Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Ahmedabad already has a pre-owned operation but in the “second phase,” Mercedes-Benz they will be launching operations in Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata and Jalandhar. I just found it interesting that for an economy that has had such a hard time that now a luxury vehicles expanding across the country.
India’s Economy Accelerated in Quarter By VIKAS BAJAJ
India & Its Economy: The Latest Article in The Economist
This article looks at the general state of India's economy and then, like the other posts, compares it to China's. Despite all the disfunction that the Commonwealth Games brought to the surface, India's economy is expected to grow by 8.5% this year. While it will take awhile for India to "outpace" China, this articles explains that India's workforce and its democratic political structure makes it a hot economic contender to China. Remember, China has a one-child policy that will soon hurt its country as China's population ages. Secondly, sure, there are pros as it relates to productivity in having a centralized government like China does. But, democracy encourages a strong private sector that is entrepreneurial and innovative, making it a strong global economic contestant.
Americans, like many of us, know that our position as a world "superpower" may be waning. INDIA, CHINA, Russia, Brazil...these economies are now contending for greater and greater power in this increasingly globalized world. But, do we - educated citizens - know why these economies are rivaling each other? Do we know the strengths each one brings to the global market? Here we are traveling to one of the largest, growing economies in the world.
A large number of agencies have hired workers for the Games, but some of the ads the newspapers that promise great pay are really fronts for prostitution rings. Impulse estimates that 40,000 girls have been falsly recuited for such services, though the number can't be confirmed. The nonprofit estimates that about 15,000 girls have disappeared, never to return home, over the past 10 years due to these types of scams.
The Indian government is very concerned about giving the thousands of worldwide visitors attending the Games a positive image of India. It is unfortunate that a large event like the Games gives those in the illegal sex trade an opportunity to make more money, and is taking advange of thousands of girls in the process. India still has a long way to go to address this issue.
Pollination crisis' hitting India's vegetable farmers
'Pollination crisis' hitting India's vegetable farmers
The first sentence of this article hits the nail on the head, “A decline in pollinating insects in India is resulting in reduced vegetable yields and could limit people’s access to a nutritional diet, a study warns.” (
In the United States and parts of Europe, we are experiencing the same phenomena as bees are dying by the millions and no one can put a finger on exactly what is killing them. Many factors are to blame; pesticides, switching the queen bees from their colonies, transporting the colonies thousands of miles (causes stress on the bees), parasites, etc…
In India, the use of domesticated bees isn’t as common as in the US. So the question of causality remains unanswered. This is disconcerting because of the population of 1.2 billion people, many of which are reliant on food programs. While grains remain the major crop in India, and these types rely on the wind being the pollinator, many rural farmers (such as those of WOTR) would rely on insect pollinators for their vegetables. Would this mean that without their own crop yields in rural areas, the people will be subjected to migrate to the cities in search of work in order to feed their families? It will certainly create a change in diet, as the first sentence of the article suggests. With malnutrition already a concern in India, this is definitely something to keep an eye on……
India Maoists release police hostages
On September 19, Maoist rebels, also referred to as Naxalites, abducted seven policemen in Bijapur, Chhattisgarh state. Three were found dead and four were released late Thursday night, being handed over to local journalists. The article explains that the Maoist offensive in several states is seen as India's biggest internal security challenge. However, it does not receive a large amount of media coverage worldwide.
The Maoists claim that they are fighting for the rights of the poor, but they have actually disrupted and ruined the lives of thousands of poor tribespeople and villagers who have been caught in the middle of the crossfire and forced to move to camps or, even worse, been killed by the rebel fire.
I also found the article below explaining that in April 2010, the Indian government launched a major offensive against the Maoist rebels. It is obvious and incredibly unfortunate that the government has not been able to control the growth of the rebels and provide relief to citizens in the area. Some believe that the Maoist control continues to strengthen. A local journalist stated, "This generation is unlikely to see peace in their lifetime. Next generation, maybe." While this is one of many complex problems that the Indian government is faced with, it must remain a critical focus of their security efforts. An entire generation giving up hope should never be an option.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Can India's economy overtake China?
This is an interesting article which discusses if India’s economy can overtake China. This theory is observed by those who believe that the growth rate between these two countries could change and India will pass up China’s economy faster than one would think.
India’s economy has just recently begun to accelerate. It wasn’t until the middle of the 1990’s that India loosened its bureaucratic nature regarding industry, services and trade. They experienced a growth rate of more than 9% until the international recession hindered their economic growth.
Some economists believe that the main reason why India’s economy will pass China’s is due to a “base effect” , in which they believe India’s growth rate will be higher because the base on which the rate is calculated is narrower.
China’s economy is currently three and a half times larger than India’s yet India has not suffered nearly as much in the international recession as China. This is because China is largely export-import driven, consisting 80% of its GDP whereas in India, exports-imports consist only 50% of its GDP.
Maria Thornblad
India Experiences High Economic Growth Rate
The NY Times reported that at the end of June this year, India experienced an economic growth rate of 8.8%. This is incredibly high considering India's developing economy and the world-wide economic downturn. Leaders in India hope to keep the growth pushing upwards of 10% to sustain the large younger population. "India needs faster growth to alleviate poverty and increase job opportunities for a young population; about half the Indian people are 25 or younger."
It is not expected that this growth will continue to grow however, with such main stays as exports, already falling. The global market is already in a tenuous state, and India is not immune from that, especially as a developing economy. Another issue to consider is large company's attraction to invest in India for the long term, again to supply jobs for the younger generation and to create sustainable growth for the economy at large.
Megan Morrow
Is Indian Education Going to Change?
The first sentence of this article is so interesting that I am going to copy and paste it exactly. "India’s answer to the West’s Ivy League may be what the government plans to call the Navratna Universities." I found it very interesting that this is seen as so important. Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of having top-flight educational institutions, but in a country where most people don't have access to modern day pluming, it seems ironic. That being said, I like the emphasis on education that is going on throughout India. I think it shows great promise for the future, both in the near term and long term.
It leaves me to wonder though, when Harvard was founded it was THE University. It was widely regarded as the place that was best suited to train the very best and brightest. Why? Because there were very few other choices. In India today though, there are many colleges and universities and I assume this new distinction will be highly sought after. I wonder if it will entice teachers outside of India to head to India. (DON'T LEAVE US RON!!) And I wonder, how will these colleges address language barriers. It will be very interesting to see the "Indian Ivy League" grow and compete on the world's stage.
Blog 3 - Rise in India Food Prices
This article reports on food prices in India have risen for the fifth-straight week as floods in parts of the country resulted in a lack of supplies of vegetables and fruits, pushing prices higher and increasing the likelihood of further policy tightening by the central bank.
In some areas, food prices had started to ease thanks to improved supplies following good seasonal rains this year, but some parts of the country suffered from floods that disrupted transport, damaged crops and, along with higher demand, led to a fresh spike in prices.
The government is hoping that summer-sown crops will boost market supplies from October and help bring down prices. Some economists say the Reserve Bank of India can't do much to control the rise in prices as it's largely due to supply disruptions, but the central bank may be forced to hasten rate hikes to manage inflation expectations if food prices remain at such high levels.
I am not generally interested in economical issues, partially becasue it is not an area I know much about. What I can say is that an increase in food prices, or any good that we depend on, can take a major toll on communities it is effecting. Hopefully the issue is controlled with the help of government and the Central Bank to reduce and manage inflation issues.
Ruling on Holy Site
This article discusses a lawyer for the Muslim community who is saying that he will appeal an Indian court ruling that would divide a disputed holy site between the Hindu and Muslim communities. Muslims refer to this site as the now-demolished 16th century Babri Mosque, while Hindus say it is the birthplace of the god Rama.
The ruling was that the site should be split, with the Muslim community getting control of one-third and two Hindu groups splitting the remainder, according to Ravi Shankar Prasad, a lawyer for one of the parties to the suit. The Hindus will keep the area where a small tent-shrine to Rama has been erected.
What I found particularly interesting about this article is the continuing unrest between these groups over this Holy Site. This little patch of land, in a town called Ayodhya, has been sparking religious violence for hundreds of years. The town of Ayodhya is one of India's seven sacred cities. Hindus tried to tear down the Babri Mosque in 1990. They failed, but the mere attempt caused riots that brought down India's government.
Two years later, they tried again and succeeded, pulling apart the 464-year-old mosque with crowbars, other hand tools -- or just their bare hands.
It seems that compromising and splitting this space between the groups is not good enough, especially for this Muslim lawyer that wants to appeal the ruling. This place has a political, religious, and social tie to both groups fighting for complete control.
Domestic Workers in India
Domestic workers, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO) are people who "carry out household work in a private household in return for wages." In India, over 90 million people do domestic work. Although no systematic study has documented the number of workers throughout the country, it can be inferred from the available data that an overwhelming majority of domestic workers are women and girls. who are also unfortunately subject to considerable abuse. Furthermore, almost 20% of domestic workers are children below the age of 14, who should not in fact be employed under child labor laws in India.
Changes in economic and development related policies continue to push more people into domestic work. A change in family structure in India from joint or extended family systems to more nuclear families has increased the demand for domestic workers. This should also lead to an increase in wages, however, the supply of people in need of work has also increased due to infrastucture projects related to techonological growth in particular that have displaced a large number people, thus leading to further exploitation, rather than an increase in living wages.
This exploitation causes a lack of decent living and working conditions for domestic workers. In fact, often their situations are so precarious that their lives are endangered, since they also lack access to healthcare. This is an issue of major concern from a social perspective, but also from an economic standpoint. Such deplorable conditions lead to economic insecurity, as well as social and political instability, and hinders overall growth and economic development.
A fundamental shift in attitude towards domestic workers still commonly referred to as "servants," in India is required. Furthermore, changes in legislation and economic policies that are actively enforced, are required to improve the conditions under which these domestic workers live and work. Additionally regularized work hours and conditions, the ability to unionize, as well as benefits such as paid time off should be provided. Though many states have taken steps in this direction, much more work remains to be done in upholding and enforcing legislation and regulations.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
"Where print makes profits"
This article caught my attention for 2 main reasons. I haven't heard a story about a print newspaper or magazine thriving in this country for the last several years (the Tribune selling the Cubs comes to mind along with the sale of Newsweek magazine). Also, India is known for having a low literacy rate, at least from a "western" perspective. According to the article only 65% of the adult population in India can read, but with cheap prices currently isn't a threat from electronic news as most Indians are still beyond the reach of broadband internet.
I was again amazed by this article how 'cheap' newspapers are, similar to the stove article I posted last week and how much is subsidized by the government. I was also intrigued by the political ramifications the popularity of print media can have as it's harder for the government to control what gets printed (as opposed countries like China heavily censoring certain websites). However, print media is still censored in India. The Economist also posted a graph of which countries censor or ban copies of their magazine the most. India was a the top for censorship, but the censorship was mostly limited to "Illegal" stamped over maps of Kashmir because the border is disputed by the government ( Maybe Prof. Fernandes can recommend a copy good newspapers and magazines to pick up while we're in India?
Will India get an IKEA?
IKEA buys many of its products from Indian producers and plans to double its spending on products from India over the next three years. IKEA also wants to open retail stores in India but has been blocked by the Indian government’s strict foreign investment regulations. IKEA is lobbying for the policy change and also engaged with Unicef to invest $163 million on development programs.
- Jen Rice
Salman Rushdie on Upcoming Ayodhya Verdict
Ahead of Obama’s India visit, his aide woos Pune Inc
President Obama is scheduled to visit India in November. After his remarks offering tax benefits to American companies who create jobs in the country, the US is trying to keep “good spirits” among Indian cities like Pune, an export hub. Pune is one of the prominent cities in the US radar for export to meet Obama’s goal of doubling American exports in the next five years. The US is hoping that the new trade and investments going in both directions between countries will expand the markets in India and help both the Indian and American economies.
This article caught my attention because Pune, the city the WOTR students will be visiting, was the focus. Then it also made me think about all the recession measures we are trying to accomplish here, like increasing jobs through discouraging outsourcing, could have negative effects to other countries that have been the benefactors or our outsourcing. In countries that have fewer social and economic safety nets than we have the cost benefit may not be equal. The improvement in our unemployment could have a much more dramatic negative effect for individuals that have no job in more developing countries.
Booming India--keeping momentum
He continues to mention what India's politicians should consider to maintain and thrive from their 8% economic growth rate.
"Raise the level of investment (and that includes investment in people)
Make a fetish of efficiency
Make it easier for new private firms to start up business."
So what else might contribute to sustaining India's momentum?
Recent news shows India has been weighing the rapid rise of its population and what it will mean for the economy. At the moment, India is on par with China, however India has many more young people (~1/2 billion are under 25 years old). This grants India a potential labor force comparative advantage over China--who will soon be caring for a much older population. Yet India's government has begun one child policies to balance the rising population with limited natural resources and government social service costs. The Indian government is encouraging delaying the first child through incentives such as a "honeymoon package" and other family planning education programs.
The following articles get more into the economic nuts and bolts of nation and business building. The Prime Minister Singh has lifted some of the foreign direct investment caps via bond purchasing. This is going to allow external investors the opportunity to send India a large inflow of cash assets, which can then be used for infrastructure building. Infrastructure built now can then be used to provide services for the Indian population. So why might other nations be interested in buying Indian bonds at the moment--especially while there is still a global credit crunch?
The second link contains some financial figures indicating rather high interest rates, one of the highest in Asia and rather high on global market. Much of this in short-term debt, bringing even more skeptical investors concerned about long-term risks. That financial capital (approximately 11.8 billion and rising) will go a long way to continue development in India's public and private sectors. If India can work to close the gaps between infrastructure linkage, providing social services to its citizens, and capitalize upon its massive labor force potential (hopefully building entrepreneurial activity from within), then it may working towards the right solutions to maintain its current rate of growth.
India & US "defining relationship of the century"
This WSJ article strategizes on Obama’s upcoming visit to India in November. While Obama has set the bar high for the relationship the article outlines the political and economical hurdles that must be overcome. The issues with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and India’s nuclear program are obvious but the article also highlighted the economic issue of outsourcing. The role that it has played in the US economy is echoed in India. With Obama’s push to limit outsourcing and to build American jobs, the India economy (which has grown to cater to this market) is troubled. It is predicted that the US will abolish what they call the “entity list” which will allow American companies to transfer dual-use technologies to India. Obama may also support India’s bid to become a permanent member on the UN Security Council.
This article brought a lot of detail to what little I know of the US/Indian “friendly” relationship. With so much going on this November meeting is sure to have an impact on future of economic agreement for the two countries. The political strategies of the two nations will also have to play into the negotiations because of India's dangerous neighborhood, where being too friendly with the US can cause problems. With Obama’s push to limit outsourcing it seems that by backing India’s effort with the UN Security Council he may be able to be received more positively.
India to build world's biggest ID database
It seems this time India is taking up the idea of a national registry for its citizens. It will use an ID number system and also contain biometric information for personal data record-keeping. Ideally, this means easier access to much needed social services for the poor, such as access to health care services. Right now birth registration is not always performed and the government hopes this new system will help create a better census system nation-wide. It will also supposedly help reduce corruption with the government; scandals using citizens names have been found within voting and social benefit schemes. Skeptics of the program pose arguments resounded in other nations with similar projects. Opponents are concerned with the high costs of the program, invasion of individual privacy, believe corruption will still be rampant, and that this is a nice idea, but not the type of service the poor truly need. Although a government program, the India government has brought on an Indian multi-millionaire, who made his fortunes in the private industry, to lead this project. "The new ID scheme was launched in the village of Tembhili in Nandurbar district of western Maharashtra state."
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Ayodhya verdict: Muslim, Hindu leaders appeal for peace
On September 30 the supreme court of India will release a verdict on a holy site claimed by Hindus and Muslims. Both religions have continued this social war for over 400 years. In the 18th century the British administration created separated Hindu and Muslim sites to worship. This religious war went out of control when in 1992 the Hindus destroyed the 16th-century Babri mosque. This event brought the people into a conflict that left 2000 people dead countrywide. Now, as the verdict of the supreme court approaches, the leaders of the Hinduism and Muslim are calling for peace and to accept whatever the decision is.
On Hunger and Child Mortality in India
Women's Education Can Improve Child Nutrition in India
Monday, September 27, 2010
Indian slums represent complex political and social issues...
India vs. China: Whose Economy Is Better?
This week I found an article comparing India's economy to China's. The article specifically addresses the two economies' response to the economic crisis. Although India's economy always comes in second place when compared to the Chinese economy, India seems to have weathered the economic crisis better than China. The two countries implemented different stimulus programs in order to continue growth during a time of recession. While China hoped for credit growth to stimulate the economy, India used tools similar to other countries around the globe, cutting interest rates, increasing fiscal spending and providing tax breaks. Throughout the crisis, the banking sector in India has remained conservative. A strong domestic economy also supported the country causing it to be less affected by the external economic climate. The stimulus measures, taken on a much smaller scale than that of China, have allowed the Indian economy to continue to grow during a difficult period for the global economy.
This article provides interesting information on two countries that are often compared as large emerging economies. It is important to note that being less exposed to the international scene has allowed India's economy to remain stable. The article illustrates that India is not immune to all problems most countries are facing the current economic situation, a budget deficit still lags and the agricultural sector is vulnerable to climate changes in turn lowering consumer spending. However India's economy is expected to continue to grow at a rate very close to that of China's. It will be interesting to see how India continues to emerge as a large international economy and how this growth will effect some of the projects and programs we will be researching in India.,8599,1957281,00.html
Sunday, September 26, 2010
United States-India Innovation Exchange
India's Economy booming?
The salaries in India are increasing, “Salaries in India may grow an average 10.6 percent in 2010, the fastest pace in the Asia-Pacific, after increasing 6.6 percent in the previous year, according to the Lincolnshire, Illinois-based human resources adviser, Hewitt Associates Inc.” This has led to an increase in the consumer spending. This is a concern for many as the world economy is still experiencing recession or the effects of recession. The data shows “inflation continues to pose a risk to the Indian economy,” said Mridul Saggar, an economist at Kotak Securities Ltd. in Mumbai. “In the face of increasing global uncertainties, India is relatively shielded due to its strong domestic demand.”
This article also discusses rural demands; the big companies in India are expanding in the rural areas and are investing huge sums of money. It also discusses the global stimulus being provided to support economy in Japan, USA and other countries. Rahul Bajoria, an economist at Barclays Plc in Singapore, said “India needs to heed what happens globally as a prolonged slowdown will cut exports and impact the GDP to that extent.” He also said, “There is no need for concern right now as India is least plugged-in of all the emerging Asian countries” into the world economy. He expects the Reserve Bank of India will raise rates by a quarter-point on Sept. 16 and will have to raise the rates in the months to come.
I also wanted to share a you-tube video titled, “Warning: India Never Sleeps,” by IT Convergence ( that highlights the accomplishments of all the sectors in India:
10 Aug, 2010
A study by the National Council for Applied Economic Research points out that after two decades of reforms, the rich have got richer as a freer economy has created more opportunities, rather that a vast percentage of population still continues to be deprived of the means that can enable them to take a greater share of the wealth creation happening through the rapid growth. The top 20% of India’s population has a more than 50% share of the national income in 2009-10, up from 36.7% in 1993-94 and the bottom three quintile, or 60% of India, has a mere 27.9% share in total income, down from 38.6% at the start of the reforms.
Access to meaningful and affordable education continues to be an issue, and lack of physical infrastructure makes it difficult for the hinterland to be integrated with the market economy.
Economic reform in India started in 1991 after the IMF had bailed out the bankrupt state, with the objective to achieve high economic growth and industrialize the nation for the well-being of its citizens. The policies included are opening for international trade and investment, deregulation, initiation of privatization, tax reforms, and inflation-controlling measures. (Wikipedia:
If you are interested to learn more about the Indian economic reform--current conditions and what needs to be done and how, task force report by the Harris School of Public Policy of the University of Chicago published in January 2006 is helpful.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Is a slumdog birthday cake not the real poverty porn?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Free Trade Agreements Threaten Generic Drug Production in India
Maternal Mortality Rates in India
India’s Women’s Mortality Rate
This article covers the attempt of the Indian government to mislead the world community on their progress in reducing maternal mortality rate as part of the UN millennium development goals. One of the most important points of the article was the monetary incentive that the government offers women to give birth in a health facility, known as institution deliveries. In measuring their progress on the MDG goal, the government is only looking at the number of those who gave birth at a health facility instead of those who survived the delivery process (which includes post-delivery process) which is a much more accurate way of measurement. The Indian government turns a blind eye to transit to health facilities, referral mechanisms, emergency obstetric care and the post delivery process.
The social implications of the article show what India is willing to do to show improvement on the world stage. I thought the article fairly showed that although the government is improving in some aspects of maternal mortality that the continuation of ignoring all women within the country. As an example the article also mentioned the death of a woman in July who gave birth to a baby on a street without assistance and later died due to sitting in dirty rainwater for four days. While looking at this article through a social lens I think it is important to remember that you need to count all of society and not just those that can reach hospital facilities.
Teacher Shortage Could Hamper India’s Education Goals
In India’s case, the quality and quantity of education are intrinsically linked—as teachers are stretched too thin, the quality of education declines. It is doubtful that the quality can be increased overall without the addition of more teachers. But how can teaching as a career be made more lucrative? The U.S. obviously doesn’t have the answer to this quandary- we have our own problems with our education system: teachers being laid off due to budget cuts and small salaries awarded in relation to the valuable service provided. In order to attract prospective educators, “the ministry has started housing and insurance schemes for over 60,000 teachers,” according to an HRD ministry official. Is a benefits package such as this enough to recruit the amount of teachers necessary for a country (where one-third of its population is illiterate) to achieve universal education?
High-Tech Titan Plagued by Potholes
For Indian Rape Laws, Change Is Slow to Come By NILANJANA S. ROY
Rural Villages in India: Ebbs & Flows of Social Capital
I encourage those interested in financial (economic) development in rural India to read, at least, the first 5 and last 3 pages of this study. International development agencies heavily rely on the concept of social capital - features of social organization such as networks, norms, and social trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit - to enact transformation. Claire wrote about ReachGlobal and the self-empowerment work the org is doing with women in India through self-help groups. ReachGlobal is relying on social capital to create change! So are microfinance organizations (MFIs), like the Grameen Bank/Fund, Opportunity International, Accion, etc., who are doing work in India. They are banking (pun intended) on social capital growth with trust group forums - forums through which MFIs typically dispense funds in initial loans. For those going into the rural villages outside Pune, the building up of social capital is a topic that will likely come to the surface very quickly upon our arrival.
Social Issue, NGO’s role in Mental Health Care in India
This article discusses the role of NGOs in filling the gap left by the governmental sector in mental health treatment facilities and psychiatrists. There are scarce mental health resources, particularly in rural areas , northern states and among the socially disadvantaged. NGOs are advantageous because of the quality of care and they reach out to populations that are discriminated against. NGOs usually target a specific population and work primarily in urban areas but are starting to spread to rural communities. NGOs have long been active in childhood metal health, and in the 70s and 80s started to work more in substance abuse programs. The authors state the strengths of NGOs are: working in partnerships, innovations in practice, and transparency in administration. The problems include sustainability, accountability and scope. They conclude while the NGO effort as made progress, it has not had an impact on a national scale so they recommend that NGOs partner with the government to address mental health in India.
I found this article interesting because there are so many issues, in all countries, that may not be as apparent on a daily basis, such as hunger, health care, water access, employment. Even here mental health is often the invisible health concern, often either stigmatized or ignored. The recommendations, in more detail in the whole article, giving recommendations to the NGO community to partner with the government I think is very relevant to all of us looking to work in the international field. In particular, the recommendation that NGOs should have representation in governmental committees and task-forces I think is important. This would help NGOs have a voice in decisions and also raise their status as an important player in health care, not a gaggle of unprofessional do-gooders.
Extra India event: Photography exhibit documenting India's water crisis
How music videos are triggering a literacy boom
This dramatic increase in literacy is big news in India's fight against poverty. As the article explains, increased literacy is not only linked to economic growth, but also to better health, greater gender equality, and a more transparent political progress. Interestingly, this experimental method is an incredibly cost effective tool, averaging only 1 cent per person per year. This method has drawn the attention of academics and educators who have tried for decades to make literacy programs fun, engaging for children and adults, and cost effective. While this new technique is not without shortcomings, it has certainly produced a positive outcome in its early stages.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Modern Day Slave Trade and Child Labor Sweatshop Practices still Utilized in India
India is a nation known for unethical child labor practices also known as the sweatshop. The United States and United Kingdom have keep a watchful eye out in the last recent years on imports specifically clothing that is exported from India due to child labor practices, that are still taking place today. However, over the last decade child labor practices have been implemented on the labor industry to ensure fair wages for equal work and improved working conditions and reasonable benefits. One major law specifically prohibits children under the age of fourteen to work in a hazardous working environment. According to reports of India's Appeal Export Council, the laws implemented by the Indian government are rarely enforced and more importantly violations to the industrial and labor industries are not accurately reported. I believe this article brings home the issues of the modern day slave trade, where children are being forced to work in unsafe, unsanitary and potentially life threatening working conditions. While the unethical and illegal child labor practices are taking place, until the public speaks up and takes action against the industry and government officials nothing may change for the years to come.
Khan Market - the costliest market shop in New Delhi
Khan Market is India’s most-expensive retail destination. According to Real Estate consultants Cushman & Wakefiled, this shopping strip has moved up three notches to 21 in the list of the world’s most expensive shopping streets. (The survey provides a global barometer of the retail sector, tracking rents in the world’s top 269 shopping locations across 59 countries. ) An equivalent, but higher on the list, shopping strip would be New York’s Fifth Avenue here in the States. The retail Industries primarily in New Delhi and Mumbai are forecasted to grow even faster due to the public’s high interest and value of retail.
I am not surprised India has a world renown shopping center. What does surprise me is the way it has been named* (please see below). For being such a memorable political and spiritual leader, one might wonder why more has not been done to help the tremendous poverty gap in these specific locations. I am not suggesting that those who are well off should not have the fruits of their wealth, but I would like to think these individuals (who can afford the Khan Market) are spending as much for the social welfare of their country.
*p.s. Khan Market is named in honor of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (1890-1988), a Pashtun political and spiritual leader whose memory is deeply respected throughout India.(Wikipedia).
Medical Tourism in India: Surrogacy.
The first article, obtained by Slate, the author warns against the dangers of surrogacy. It is dangerous for the couples (they could lose the child in legal troubles), dangers for the surrogate (numerous health reasons, being shunned from society, etc...) and it sets a dangerous social precedent.
India's Water Crisis: An Interview with Author Nitya Jacob
India Finally Tackles Its Cities
A McKinsey report suggests that India must build--every year for the next 20 years--between 7 billion and 9 billion square feet of real estate (the equivalent of one Chicago) a year; 220 to 250 miles of metros and subways (more than 20 times what it has built in the past decade); and between 12,000 and 15,000 miles of road lanes (nearly equal to all the road lanes constructed in the past decade) to deal with overpopulation.
India’s federal treasury is increasing funding to cities and states to 5 billion over a five year period for those who meet a nine point agenda. “The idea is to improve governance and credit worthiness in cities”, states Vaidya, a researcher at McKinsey.
With a population that can have an impact on over 70% of the country’s GDP, we can state that Urban Development must be a priority for the country. "This is a huge investment opportunity, but you need to cherry-pick your cities," says Vaidya. He recommends focusing on tier-2 cities like Pune in Maharashtra and Surat in Gujarat and investing in projects like ports and special economic zones (which typically build sector specific manufacturing or research hubs), and in affordable housing, as 90% of the demand is for those.
Ana M Cisneros
Commonwealth Stadium Built Using Child Labor
In this article we see yet another aspect of Indian societal issues highlighted by the Games. Throughout construction of the stadium there were claims of low payment and “sub human” living conditions. It seems that there was also a bribing system to encourage workers to bring their children to the site with them. In August a 2 year old was killed on the site, bringing the death toll to forty-five. While there was a budget it $8 million for the welfare of the laborers there is a report stating that only $5,000 was spent.
While there is a law making the employment of children under 14 illegal (except in family owned enterprises) child labor is a widespread issue across the country. Poverty, migration, and lack of access to education have all fed into this problem. In the case of the CWG the desire to finish cheaply and quickly is once again highlighted over quality and human rights. This can be seen as similar to the US and children working in factories during our Industrial Revolution. These issues combined with India’s strong push for economic development will continue and it will take a powerful movement to end this common practice.
India and Maternal Mortality Numbers
Hi everyone. For this week’s post I’d like to contribute a few different views on India’s activities directed at meeting the UN Millennium Development Goal of reducing maternal mortality.
The first report details the recent numbers released by Unicef that shows a 59% drop in maternal mortality rates since 2000 in India. Unicef congratulates India on these accomplishments.
The next article is from Human Rights Watch which reports critics claim that the Indian government is manipulating numbers and reporting filtered information. For instance, critics claim the government only evaluates women who give birth in a health facility and does not measure health and mortality after women leave the facilities and other methods to decrease maternal mortality numbers reported.
Jen Rice
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Development, modernisation of rural India a must: President
Maharashtra's age-of-marriage competition
Many of us know many of the women in India participate (willing or otherwise) in arranged marriages, but this article goes further into the age of these young women and some of their child-bearing complications. According to this article, about 49% of rural women and 29% of urban women are married before the age of 18. Of these women, ages ranging from 15-19, 58% of them are bearing children. Many of these young women have children that suffer from low birth weight and a significant number of these children die at a very young age. The Maharashtra state government is working to encourage young married women to wait a few years to have children. Some work is being done to raise the marital age of women, but cultural changes are difficult to shift.
This is the same state that MPS 542 and 611 students will be visiting. We may see a significant number of younger married mothers in our host villages. How might the presence of young, married mothers impact some of the WOTR research initiatives? I will be working on a project studying livelihood opportunities brought about by the watershed projects. I may need to consider the lack of opportunities young, married mothers will have due to their family obligations. Additionally, how might these new livelihood opportunities be used as a portal to help the Maharashtra state government's efforts and shift this social situation? Gaining support among the male population also seems a bit difficult. I am interested to learn more of how Maharashtra men view this particular situation.
by Shawn Janzen
Violence against Lower Caste Women in India,,HRW,,IND,4562d8cf2,3ae6a83f0,0.html
Lower caste women experience multiple oppressions in India, particularly relating to violence against them. They experience this violence from men of their own castes as well as men and women from higher castes, but have little ability to gain protection from either the state or other sections of Indian society. Over the years, lower caste women, particularly Dalit women, have been attacked and abused with impunity. Over 160 million people comprise the Dalit community in India and at least half are women.
According to a UNHCR report, "Dalits are discriminated against, denied access to land, water and other resources, forced to work in degrading conditions, and routinely abused, even killed, at the hands of the police and of higher-caste groups that enjoy the state's protection." In addition to this, Dalit women are physically and sexually abused at higher rates than any other group of women in India.
Caste issues are intrinsically tied to the analysis of unequal gender relations in India, as the women's movement has been dominated by upper caste, middle class women, and prioritized their interests. However, recently, lower caste and tribal women have begun to assert their own voice within the women's movement, urging the establishment of a federation of Dalit women, that is separate from both the existing Dalit political groups and the women's movement in its current form. It is imperative that 63 years after independence that the Indian government, and Indian society as a whole deal with these multiple axes of discrimination against lower caste women through legislation and changes in social practices.
India's Democracy Struggles with Education & Sanitation
Despite the progress India has made regarding sanitation, health care and education, there are still many Indians who suffer daily without basic human essentials. This is mainly due to India’s large population, consisting of 1.2 billion people. Although India’s poverty level has been reduced, maternal health and sanitation remain poor, with no concrete plan of attacking these issues.
Shocking statistics show that India has the highest number of people without proper toilets as well as the highest number of pregnant women dying during childbirth. As for education, only 12.4% of 220 million school-going children advance on to higher education.
The government intends to increase this rate to 20.0% by 2020 by investing $60 billion for education in the next three years. Yet, in order to this to be plausible, this would require tripling the share of India’s GDP devoted to education.
Although India’s economy is growing, their government needs to put more emphasis on the important social issues at hand. In fact, by taking care of their country’s social needs, it may even result in economic growth. Major companies, who express interest in investing in the country, end up backing away once they realize India’s inability to provide basic sanitation needs and education to its people.
It seems to me that India’s government is putting too much focus on their economic growth, and is dismissing the social needs of its country. Instead, they need to utilize their economic growth for good and form concrete, plausible plans to reduce these health, sanitation and educational issues at bay.
Five more killed in Kashmir violence
This article tells the story of ongoing war from the 19th century between India and Pakistan. The region of Kashmir is divided in three countries, India with one half, Pakistan with one third and China with a small portion of the northeastern. In the mid 19th century Pakistan gave to China the small portion of Aksai Chin and the Trans-Karakoram Tract. The dispute of the territories has continued over time between India and Pakistan. This has brought a lot of tension in the region. In 1989 Kashmiri separatists took up arms but the violence had stop in the recent years until last summer.
The violence has increased since last June claiming more than 100 lives. The anti-India demonstrations has affect the peace in the region. The government has imposed strict curfews and has implemented extra forces to keep the calm in the streets and silence the people from demonstrating for independence from India. This political move from the government of India has been questioned for the increased violence and the violation of human rights. In Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir, the crowds come to the funeral of a youth killed. They chanted “freedom”.
Waste Management in India (Social issue)
This is a big social problem as it is affecting the health and safety of the citizens of India. The government needs to take greater charge and control of waste management to make sure that the citizens can live a healthy and happy life.
Here is another article with some more information on how waste management is a serious social, health and environmental issue: