Friday, October 1, 2010

India & Its Economy: The Latest Article in The Economist

To piggie-back off of Maria & Megan's posts, I offer you this article just posted by The Economist:

This article looks at the general state of India's economy and then, like the other posts, compares it to China's. Despite all the disfunction that the Commonwealth Games brought to the surface, India's economy is expected to grow by 8.5% this year. While it will take awhile for India to "outpace" China, this articles explains that India's workforce and its democratic political structure makes it a hot economic contender to China. Remember, China has a one-child policy that will soon hurt its country as China's population ages. Secondly, sure, there are pros as it relates to productivity in having a centralized government like China does. But, democracy encourages a strong private sector that is entrepreneurial and innovative, making it a strong global economic contestant.

Americans, like many of us, know that our position as a world "superpower" may be waning. INDIA, CHINA, Russia, Brazil...these economies are now contending for greater and greater power in this increasingly globalized world. But, do we - educated citizens - know why these economies are rivaling each other? Do we know the strengths each one brings to the global market? Here we are traveling to one of the largest, growing economies in the world.

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